strong mom. healthy Mom. empowered postpartum.


Every body, every pregnancy, and every birth is different. So every postpartum journey will be different too! Whether you’re 3 days, 4 months, or 2 years into your postpartum journey, the Strong Mom Collective gives you expert direction and total support every step of the way.

Fourth Trimester Recovery Program

Postnatal Strength Rebuild Program

Postnatal & Beyond Program

I’ve started doing the things I enjoyed most pre-pregnancy again. I feel stronger, more confident in my physical abilities, and have the drive to continue working on myself daily. I still have challenges and weeks when I’m just not feeling it, and that’s where working with Anna has really helped.
— Shanelle F.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist approved, this signature online program is where you’ll receive what you need to thrive as you find yourself again after birth. Pregnancy & delivery is the greatest athletic event you can participate in, so it’s no surprise that healing takes time. Go all in on making yourself a priority, or just do what you can - even small, consistent changes add up. Here, you won’t find any toxic weigh ins, before & after shots, or punishing your body through exercise. We’re here to celebrate everything our bodies can do.

The Strong Mom Collective will take you where you want to go if:

You have recently had a baby and want to safely get back to exercise, but have no idea where to start.

You’re through feeling depleted when the day has barely begun.

You know you’re capable of feeling stronger, doing more for your wellbeing, and deserve to enjoy being active.

You’re ready to make yourself a priority, and feel good doing it!

Which meets you where you’re at?

When you join the strong mom collective you get:

  • Access to the programs on the TrueCoach App

  • Weekly motivation and self-compassion reminders

  • Access to Members only private group chat on Slack

  • Monthly Mom’s Zoom n Move sessions.

  • Events, workshops, and Calgary area outdoor workouts


Wouldn’t you rather…

Wake up ready to conquer the day, knowing you have energy in the tank to handle the endless list needing your attention

Feel your best, knowing you’re doing something incredible for YOU

Experience joy in moving your body, and celebrate all that it can do

Get out there and experience more!

If a fitness community that prioritizes mental wellness, celebrating your postpartum bod, and being proud AF of yourself sounds like a good time, then you need in on The Strong Mom Collective.


1:1 support more your thing? VIP Online Personal Training will be more your speed.